Friday, December 6, 2019

Indigenous People Rising Up Worldwide to Defend Earth as Sacred 🐺 🌎 🌋

"We want banks to stop financing economic sectors that invest in Brazil to kill us, to exploit and deforest the greater good, which is the Amazon and Cerrado ecosystems that benefit all of humanity, not just indigenous peoples. We know that France's largest fortunes pass through this house, and we know that these fortunes are financing not only our genocide but the destruction of our ecosystems."

"Under far-right racist maniac President Jair Bolsonaro, this devastation is building to a new fever pitch as the ongoing fires in the Amazon Rainforest show. And this inferno is almost certain to impact Brazil’s indigenous peoples in ways the rest of us can only imagine. Their home—literally—is on fire."


* The Indigenous Peoples from our Law of Origin, Major Law and Natural Law hold the Governments of Jair Bolsonaro and Evo Morales 
responsible for the disappearance and physical, environmental and cultural Genocide that is currently presented in the Amazon, and 
that for their action and omission becomes increasingly serious and they are irreparable losses for humanity. Therefore, we sanction, condemn and declare these two NON-FREE Governments for the Amazon Basin.

* That the responsibility of these leaders is aggravated by their signaling to all indigenous and social organizations, by taking responsibility for the damages caused by their economic policies that from governments such as those of Bolivia and Brazil favor the indiscriminate extraction of all biodiversity and Ignorance of all the human rights of Indigenous Peoples recognized by international conventions.

* That before this the social, cultural, political and economic sanction to these governments and the empowerment of civil society is necessary for the sovereign exercise of protection of life in all its integrity and to give a twist to the formulation of the policies that They define the concept of development for the Amazon.

* That we therefore call on all mankind to act immediately against the actions that criminally entrusted to the different causes of this unprecedented tragedy, at a time when climate stability is at risk.

We support the coherent position of the organic CIDOB of Bolivia, by rejecting and whipping the Bolivian government for perpetrating this environmental and social disaster in order to promote an economic agenda contrary to reason and disrespectful of indigenous fundamental rights.

We support the position of COIAB of Brazil to continue on the hard path of struggle against the visions and actions, political, economic, administrative and procedural of the Brazilian Government that permanently violate indigenous fundamental rights and humanity itself.

We request the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to the United Nations to rule on the need for immediate action by the international community to address this emergency and to formulate measures International in nature to prevent them in the future.

We request the activation of international cooperation and other allies for solidarity and humanitarian purposes so that the basic needs of the peoples affected by this scourge can be met and the restoration measures of the affected biodiversity can be initiated

We recognize the heroic work of the indigenous peoples and all those civil society allies that are facing the fire doing what is humanly possible to stop the conflagrations.

We call and summon the unity and solidarity of all the Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala and the World to accompany, denounce and end 
the genocide and ecocide that the peoples are suffering from the ancient ancestral territories of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon Basin.

The equilibrium of Mother Earth depends on the Amazon Basin, allowing its devastation implied the extermination of Humanity.


Info: Contact  cclimaticocoica @
coica @

Adam Sings In The Timber 🐰 🐺 🐝
"Indigenizing Colonized Spaces" Project

Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu was established by kiaʻi with the support of the Royal Order of Kamehameha ʻEkahi for the purpose of protecting sacred volcanoes Mauna Kea & Mauna Loa

observe this heavenly phenomenon ♥♨ planetary protection in action  🌋 🐉 🐙 ancient magic is alive ♔ 💕 ♨ ❤  @Puuhuluhulu

Monday, July 22, 2019

Disaster Zone Ahead 🍄 🌞 ❥ Warning: Extremist-Demons, Madmen & Mobsters on the Attack 🐰 🐻 🐺 🌎

Earth Being Destroyed By Industrial Plunderers! Also: World Terrorized By Gigantic Rotten Scarecrow $elling $cary $tories (America's aching #Trumphole/ ce$$pool/ dead-end disaster zone)

🐝 🐦 💗 🌱 🍒 💜 🌿 🌻 🍄 🌞   ٩(●̮̃•)۶ ❥   🐰 😹 🐻 🐺 🌎

“We cannot solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis...if solutions within the system are so impossible to find, then...we should change the system itself.” ~ Greta Thunberg

‘They see us as a threat because we’re having an impact’

Questions from famous fans
Maisie Williams: What can people reading this do today to make an impact?

"A great start is to inform yourself. To read and try to understand the problem. It is very depressing but absolutely necessary. Once you fully realise the situation then you will know what to do. And then spread that information to others. Then there are lots of things you can do in your everyday life. Of course we need a system change. But I believe that you cannot have system change without individual change. In today’s debate climate, a lot of people will not listen to you unless you practise as you preach and live by example. And we need everyone to listen. So making some personal changes is very much worth it."

Resistance Is Fertile 🐰 🐻 🌎 ♨ 🐝 🐘 🐺 🌞 💜 ♥ ♛

Climate Change Fueling Extreme Weather

Extinction Rebellion Suggests Year of Boycotting New Clothes 

🐝 🐦 💗 🌱 🍒 💜 🌿 🌻 🍄 🌞   ٩(●̮̃•)۶ ❥   🐰 😹 🐻 🐺 🌎

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

How Much is Your World Worth 👦 👧 💕 🌊 Global Youth Call Out Future Being Stolen

#ClimateStrike Alerting: Your Planet is On Fire

“We cannot solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis...if solutions within the system are so impossible to find, then...we should change the system itself.” ~ Greta Thunberg
#ClimateStrike 🐰 🐻 🌎 🐘 🐺 🌞 🐝  💜 ♥ ♞❣♘ ♛

“What we desperately need is an appropriate level of shock and anxiety concerning a specific ecological trauma — indeed, the ecological trauma of our age, the very thing that defines the Anthropocene as such,” Timothy Morton writes in his book Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology After the End of the World. The profound sense of shock Morton calls for is what Greta felt at a very young age, after learning about climate change in school.

The school strikers’ message, similar to the extinction rebels, is that we should panic. Our house, in Greta’s memorable phrase, is on fire. We must embrace “cathedral thinking” – laying the foundations for the carbon-free future without knowing how we are going to paint the roof. This way of thinking does induce fear. But since doing nothing is not an option, except for nihilists and misanthropes, the rest of us have little choice but to battle through these darker emotions – and act with hope.

#ClimateStrike Alerting: This is the End of the Road, the Titanic is on Fire 
🐦 🌈 ♥ 💜 💎 🐰 🐻 🐺 

🌎 😻 🐾 ♨ ♥ 💜 💎 🐦 💙 🌎 🌱 🌿 🌲 🌳 @bioGraphic  ❤ ✨ 🐉 Sounds of Survival | #bioGraphic